Falling in Love with Social Marketing

Falling in Love with Social Marketing

Love is in the air! And it’s no secret who we’ve fallen for.

We’ve been going steady with social marketing for a while now and we have no intention of slowing things down any time soon. There’s just so much to love! Here are just a few of our favourite qualities:

A Close Bond

Developing relationships is vital to the success of any brand. Before social marketing came along, most brands had no dependable or measurable way of reaching their target markets, either to prove their work or to perform necessary market research.

Social media platforms provide the opportunity for brands to build lasting relationships with those who truly matter to them. For brands, social marketing provides a new way to reach out not only to more people, but to the right people. Social media can help reach target markets that are too difficult or expensive to reach using conventional marketing means.

Since it is less intrusive and more personal and interactive, social marketing gives brands the opportunity to earn people’s trust and increase brand loyalty.

Plus, now marketers have the luxury of knowing whether or not it’s actually working. Instead of passively throwing up another billboard, now page visits, clicks and downloads can be tracked.

Good Company & Great Conversation

Social marketing is about engaging present and potential customers in relevant and interesting conversation. Contrary to conventional marketing, it’s about talking with the customer instead of talking at them.

Offering useful content and engaging your customers in relevant and valuable conversations reflects positively on your brand’s image. You are there to help and improve. It shows you care about your customers more than the bottom line.

These conversations can also provide valuable insight to your products and services. Social media is a two-way street and the ability to listen to your community will prove to be a great resource for research and development.

Constant Support

Your brand’s social media platforms don’t have hours of operation. They are always live, always ready and always there. The ability to reach out and connect directly with your customers, regardless of time or location, is a very powerful asset.

In that social media platforms are available 24/7, customer service and post-sale support is also more present, effective and successful. Customers have better brand experiences knowing that the channels of communication are always open and your brand is there for them.

Honesty & Openness

Social marketing is about community and conversation. Members of the community communicate in a way that is natural, open, honest and entertaining. Whether commenting, complaining or joking, the human voice is undeniably and unmistakably genuine. It cannot be forged.

Social marketing helps your brand become increasingly social and, as a result, more human.

Like any relationship, our love affair with social marketing requires time, effort and a whole lot of TLC, but we’re confident in the future and in it for the long haul!

What do you love most about social marketing?

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